I started off the summer convinced that COVID has ruined the summer I'd wanted to have. I was really looking forward to my first summer in Denver being a really social one - I moved here in January from San Luis Obispo, and was excited to be in a city again, with endless new friends and fun things to do. And in a way, COVID did ruin that summer - I have an autoimmune condition, so being social isn't something I'm choosing to do right now. But my boyfriend and I have built a new summer for ourselves - and I'm really grateful for the summer I ended up with.
This summer, we've:
Thrown ourselves into our businesses and long-term goals. This has been one of the biggest ones - I told myself that THIS was the year I wanted to really get moving with coaching, and then 2020 happened and decided to take a lot of things I'd normally do off of my plate. I've been able to reinvest that time and energy back into my goals, and have seen some big things start to happen in my business as a result.
Deepened our relationship. When you're stuck together ALL THE TIME, you either kill each other or get REALLY good at communicating. We've almost done both. But overall, it's been really good for us.
Discovered that I don't hate nature. For a long time, I have operated under the guiding principle that I "hate nature." I care about the environment, but I am the kind of person who wouId rather enjoy pictures of nature than go Into the Nature. Until this summer. We've been driving, swimming, exploring, hiking, camping, and picnicking, and I've actually enjoyed all of it. I still probably will avoid week-long backpacking trips, but I don't hate nature. I think I'm a convert.
Explored Colorado - we haven't been everywhere, but almost! I feel really familiar with Colorado now. We have our own favorite nature "spots" now.
Started taking a lot more pictures: I decided that THIS was the summer I wanted to get good at taking pictures and learn photo-editing. And it's been happening.
Watched almost 1/2 of the AFI Top 100 list. I went to grad school for film and only made it maybe 20 movies in. So this is big for me!
Grilled a lot. Grilling, to me, means "summer." And we've done a lot this year.
Learned to make cold brew. It's honestly been life-altering.
Eaten a lot. I am basically an expert at making tacos now. And practically a professional chef.
Seen a few friends. Socially-distanced, and only a few - but because we've seen so few people, the interactions we've had have been more meaningful.
Hiked a real mountain! Hiking in CO is completely different than hiking in California - you literally charge into the wilderness. And I've done it now.
Been camping. I pretty much have said I've hated camping my whole life. But what do you do when you have to avoid people? Go camping! It was actually fun and I didn't hate it.
Worked on our savings goals - when you're not going out and not traveling, you save money. Who knew?
Explored like, ALL the parks in Denver. And we learned that one of them is haunted.
Summer's not over yet, but almost - and as it ends, I'm grateful for what it's been for me. It definitely wasn't the social, bright-city-lights summer I'd been counting on - at ALL. But it's been unexpectedly beautiful: my relationship has grown, my business has become a really real thing, I'VE grown, and I've learned to love nature (who knew?). And I'm happy with that.