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My Guide to What Coaching with Me Is (and Isn't!)

I get potential clients reaching out to me frequently asking whether I deal with such-and-such topic, or whether my services would be a good fit for their individual situation. Because of this, I decided to make a short guide to what my services are and aren't, to help those who are thinking of working with me to make an informed decision.

Without further ado.

Dating coaching is for you if any of the following apply:

  • You're "new" to dating in any way: you may have never dated much, or you may be newly on the dating scene after a long-term relationship or hiatus. You want somebody to help demystify the dating process (and make you sucessful)!

  • You've been on the dating scene for a while, and haven't been happy with your results.

  • You've been dating, but you feel like dating is a tremendous waste of time. You want someone who can help you get results faster, and you would like to find ways of dating that are more efficient.

  • You always seem to end up with the same kind of person, and this person isn't who you want to be with.

  • You're ready for a serious relationship, but haven't found what you're looking for.

  • You have a very specific idea of what you want in a partner and need help finding that partner.

  • You want to date casually and enjoy your experience of dating more. You want better and more fulfilling connections.

  • You're open to learning about yourself and healing while working with a coach.

  • You want consistent, ongoing support with a coach in your love life.

  • You want to grow in self-awareness and break through limiting beliefs and roadblocks holding you back from intimacy and connection.

Dating coaching is not for you if:

  • You're looking for guidance around a physical sexual dysfunction topic. (I'd recommend seeing a sex therapist or doctor.)

  • As a replacement for couple's therapy. (I can and have worked with individuals alongside their regular couples therapy sessions.)

  • You are seeking treatment or support for a diagnosible mental health condition, such as depression, anxiety, BPD, etc. Mental health diagnoses require support from a licensed healthcare professional.

  • You need insurance-subsidized or no-cost support. While I do offer low-cost options in an effort to support as many people as possible, if you have an urgent healthcare situation that requires support, please seek out a therapist covered by your insurance or healthcare provider.

Once you've read through this list, and if you still have questions, that's what my consultations are for! All of my rates (other than text-based coaching) include a complimentary initial consultation to assess whether we both think coaching together is a good fit. You can schedule a consultation with me directly through my Calendly link by clicking here.

My clients are what make my job fun. I'm looking forward to getting to know you, and to "meet" you over the phone or Zoom! 🌼

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